These dunes will eat you up and spit out your battery compartment if you do not respect the sand, stay on track and stay sharp! Hunter raiding parties aren’t you’re only threat out here.
If you try to finish this endurance hike with anything more than class three injuries you will be disqualified!
This is a skill trial not an operation.
For any cotton headed hugsops here let me put it plain and simple. You get hit three times YOU ARE OUTTA HERE! Extract to the neighbouring friendly border without delay!
In your pack you have been equipped with a desert breather, a water canteen and a rough map.
Get ready teddy. A quick gear orientation lesson and then it’s time for a stroll!
Dice Rolling!
Firstly, if you don’t have any dice you can simulate a dice here!
One six sided die will do but if you have two six sided dice that will be ideal.
You will be prompted to roll at the start of each phase. You will be prompted to heal at the end of each phase, however you can use healing items any time before you roll a die.
Once you have rolled a die you must do as the scenario requires before you are able to use healing items again. If that happens to take your bear to 3 fluff points of damage thats tough stuffing. You’re out!
Teddy Stats sheet!
A place to track your bears progress and actions through the event.
You can do this by grabbing a piece of paper and noting down the following:
Using and Losing your Equipment!
Water canteen
Containing three sips worth of water.
If you take a sip from your canteen you heal 1 fluff point. You can take multiple sips to heal multiple points if needed.
If you lose your water canteen it’s tough stuffing, you don’t get that back.
Desert Breather
If you lose your Desert Breather you will lose 1 fluff point any time you roll for the next phase.
Rough map
If you lose your rough map then each new phase roll is reduced by 1.
So if you roll a 6 you actually rolled a 5!
(If your result ends up being a 1 then the rolls you make from that stay as they are)
Bonuses to take note of!
Hood or Scarf
If your bear has a hood, scarf or poncho you may reroll 1 die during the entire hike.
Rifle or shotgun
If you bear is holding a rifle or shotgun then you will win 1 fight with Hunters during the hike. Ignore any of the results from that encounter.
Pistol or knife
If your bear is holding a pistol or knife then you will win 1 fight with creatures or plants during the hike. Ignore any of the results from that encounter.
If your bear has the KoFi Break commendation then your Ted has a coffee shot on day 2 so your alertness is high. If you roll a 1 on that day you may ignore the effects of the description and move straight to Omi river.
Heart of gold
If your bear has the Heart of Gold commendation you have an emergency stuffing ration before the event starts which adds one Fluff Point to your total health.
If your bear has the Conversationalist commendation you have a knack for talking your way out of situations. If you encounter Hunters you may consider that you sweet talked your way out of getting unstuffed. You can only use this once.